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Questions... Name: Ernesto Date: 2004/12/14(Tue) 16:59  No.153   [Reply]
Hi Kazuo! i don't know if you remember me, i am Ernesto from Argentina, last year I asked you some questions about JSDAF and the F2 project, wich you answer me ( thanks again!).
I was just chekin' your site to say "hello" but I saw here a post where it talks about F2's cutback...
Can you give some information about thath? Will the project be cancelled ( nooooo!!!) or just less planes will be build? If that's the case, how many of them?

AND have you finally found some color schemes of F-15Js? I've found one of a DJ model...I can send it to you if you want:)! If you have, could you please tell me the site? THANKS!!!